Compliance Services


Energimærket for produkter og Ecodesign regler er to stærke værktøjer til at nedbringe energiforbruget i Europa.

Hvor Energimærket motiverer kunderne til at købe energieffektive produkter, er ecodesign kravene minimumskrav, som produkter skal leve op til for at kunne være på EU markedet.

Energimærknings- og ecodesign kravene bliver løbende skærpet og nye produktgrupper bliver omfattet af kravene.

Et nyt projekt i EU Programmet LIFE skal på tværs af EU sikre god vejledning af producenter, importører, forhandlere og installatører, så de er klædt godt på til at kunne leve op til de skærpede og nye krav.

Projektet gennemføres af et konsortium, som består af forskellige europæiske Energistyrelser, brancheforeninger, nonprofitorganisationer og energifageksperter.

#voresbureau deltager i dette konsortium som energifagekspert, hvor vi har ansvaret for projektets hjemmeside og helpdesk (besvarelse af spørgsmål fra markedsaktører). Vi glæder os til at deltage i dette spændende projekt, som strækker sig over de næste tre år.

Følg os for mere information #ComplianceServices.


The EU energy label and Ecodesign are both very successful energy efficiency policies.

More than 90% of Europeans acknowledge the presence of the energy label, and around 80% affirm that it impacts their buying decisions. Ecodesign regulations have accomplished energy savings by setting EU minimum standards to eliminate the least-performing products from the market.

However, ongoing market advancements necessitate adjustments to relevant legislation. This ensures that Ecodesign requirements and energy labels, including crucial factors such as the energy efficiency class indication, accurately align with the prevailing market conditions and changes.

A recently initiated EU LIFE program project #ComplianceServices is now underway, aiming to assist key industry players, including suppliers, retailers, installers, procurers, and others.

This preparation ensures they understand and fulfil the requirements when they come into effect. A kick-off meeting in Vienna took place, bringing together consortium partners such as supplier and retailer associations, consumer groups, nonprofits, energy agencies, and experts in energy efficiency.

vores bureau participates in the consortium as an energy expert and was therefore present at the kickoff meeting in Vienna last week.

Please, follow us for more upcoming news about the new #ComplianceServices project to learn about the upcoming changes to the energy label policies!

This project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.




vores bureau is launching a Call for Tender for the EU-funded Energy Efficiency Compliant Products 2018 (EEPLIANT3) Concerted Action concerning specific product groups covered under Work Package 6 – washing machines, wine storage appliances, and televisions.

Please find further details about the contractual and procedural elements of the call included in the Official Call at this adress.



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